When it comes to installing a tubular lockset, proper door preparation is crucial. The door must be properly prepared to ensure that the lockset is installed securely and functions properly. In this blog post, we will discuss the steps involved in properly preparing a door for a tubular lockset installation in the US.

Step 1: Determine the Backset

The first step in door preparation is to determine the backset of the lockset. The backset is the distance from the edge of the door to the center of the lockset. In the US, the standard backset for a tubular lockset is 2-3/8 inches or 2-3/4 inches.

Step 2: Mark the Centerline

Once you have determined the backset, mark the centerline of the door. To do this, measure the width of the door and mark the center point. Then, using a square, draw a line from the center point to the edge of the door. This line will be used as a reference for drilling the hole for the lockset.

Step 3: Mark the Hole

Using the centerline as a guide, mark the location of the hole for the lockset. The hole should be drilled at a height of 36 inches from the finished floor level. The diameter of the hole should be 2-1/8 inches.

Step 4: Drill the Hole

Using a hole saw, drill the hole for the lockset. Be sure to drill straight and clean up any rough edges around the hole. If the door is made of a material that tends to splinter or chip, such as veneer, it may be helpful to place masking tape around the area where the hole will be drilled to prevent splintering.

Step 5: Prepare the Latch Hole

Next, prepare the latch hole on the edge of the door. The latch hole is where the latch will protrude through the edge of the door to engage the strike plate. The standard size for a latch hole is 1 inch in diameter. Drill the hole using a spade bit.

Step 6: Prepare the Strike Plate

Finally, prepare the strike plate on the door frame. The strike plate is the metal plate that the latch engages when the door is closed. The strike plate should be mounted on the door frame so that it lines up with the latch hole on the edge of the door. Use screws to attach the strike plate to the door frame.


In conclusion, proper door preparation is essential for a successful tubular lockset installation. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your door is properly prepared for a tubular lockset installation in the US.

Further Reading: