Shown: Stainless Steel Low Profile Concealed Wheel Hanger
Stainless Steel Low Profile Concealed Wheel Hanger
Floor guide</li>
- Length of track
- Anti-jump mechanism
- Soft open/close kit (Optional)
Introducing Emtek's latest innovation – the Low Profile Concealed Barn Door Hardware. Designed for the modern home, this product takes contemporary design to new heights by concealing the screws and wheels for a clean, minimalist look. Our low-profile design not only enhances style but also provides extra clearance for tight spaces, making it ideal for various applications.
Flat Black Finish
Product Information
- Includes 1 pair Hangers with Wheels, Stops, Fasteners, Anti-Jump Mechanism, and Floor Guide
- Available track lengths: 5', 6'6", 8', 10', 13', and 16'
- Additional hanger kit available for double door (DD) application
- Soft Open/Close Kit optional
- For pricing information, contact any EMTEK® dealer
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"option": "Low Profile Concealed Wheel (SS)",
"themes": [
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"title": "Low Profile Concealed Wheel (SS)",
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"description": "Floor guide</li>\n<li>Length of track</li>\n<li>Anti-jump mechanism</li>\n<li>Soft open/close kit (Optional)</li>\n",
"technical_specs": "",
"installation_instructions": [
"title": "Low Profile Concealed Wheel Barn Door Hardware Installation Instructions",
"file": "https://www.emtek.com/media/salsify/documents/dt/dt4d1tpk5j-2024-05-23T194415Z-LOW-PROFILE-CONCEALED-WHEEL_EM_Specs2.pdf",
"asset_type": "DOC_installationGuide"
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"specifications": [
"title": "EMTEK Low Profile Concealed Wheel Barn Door Hardware Technical Specifications",
"file": "https://www.emtek.com/media/salsify/documents/zp/zpoqs3semc-2024-05-23T194412Z-EMTEK_Low_Profile_Concealed_Wheel_Barn_Door_Hardware_Technical_Specifications.pdf",
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